Transformers animated ratchet
Transformers animated ratchet

However, after healing the Dinobots and recovering the component, Ratchet appears fine and healthy. He explains that Snarl has taken one of Ratchet's critical components, a termination inhibitor, which means even Sari with her key cannot heal Ratchet. When Afterburn, newly recruited to Optimus Prime's team, is sent with Ratchet, Bumblebee and Sari to Dinobot Island to tackle a rampaging Snarl and Swoop, Ratchet is charged and hurt badly by Snarl. Ratchet is with the other Autobots when they are captured by Starscream, and he is also there when the Quake-Maker attacks New Detroit. He can configure any tech they need and even perform robot/vehicle upgrades for all the AUTOBOTS. His talents also make him the team’s gadget-head. He also uses these powers as the team’s medic, reshaping metal and circuitry, patching up any of the AUTOBOTS in the field. He can attract and repel any metallic matter or create magnetic force fields. Robot Mode Power: RATCHET has magnetic powers. RATCHET largely keeps his past to himself, dishing out tantalizing tidbits when he feels the “kids” can handle, or NEED to handle, some of the truth. Spend two minutes with RATCHET and you instantly get the sense that this bot’s seen it all. He’s an expert healer, but his bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired. Short-tempered, grizzled and seemingly older than the ALLSPARK itself, RATCHET is the team’s medic and OPTIMUS PRIME’s occasional drill sergeant/second-in-command. Official Cartoon Network Press Release Bio RATCHET also serves as the team’s gadget guy. RATCHET can manipulate, control, destroy, rip apart, or re-assemble anything metal with his powers. Two magnetic prongs that extend from his arms, they attract and repel any metallic matter or create a strong force field. RATCHET'S primary power is his magnetic abilities. Spend some time with RATCHET and you will instantly understand that he has seen it all.

transformers animated ratchet

He is an expert healer but a little rough around the edges. RATCHET is the team’s medic and drill sergeant, and acts as OPTIMUS PRIME'S second in command. He is short-tempered, grizzled, and seemingly older than the ALLSPARK itself.

transformers animated ratchet

Bio as posted on the Hasbro Transformers Animated website

Transformers animated ratchet